Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

Preventive dentistry is crucial if you want healthy teeth, gums, and body for years to come and avoid costly and complicated procedures. In this article, we discuss the benefits of regular dental checkups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments.

Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

Preventive dentistry includes a daily hygiene routine at home and regular checkups (might include physical exams and x-rays or scans), professional cleanings, and fluoride treatments at a dental office. It is recommended that you have dental checkups every 6 to 12 months. The benefits of regular dental checkups include:

  • Routine checkups help to spot potential or existing dental health issues early on and prevent more severe complications. In some cases, a patient might not notice symptoms of tooth decay or gum disease until they start causing severe pain. In comparison, your dentist uses specialized equipment and scans to carefully examine each tooth and is bound to notice any issues and offer a treatment plan. It is always easier and cheaper to treat a minor cavity than to have, for example, a complicated root canal treatment and a dental crown. 
  • Regular checkups can be used for oral cancer and other general health-related issues scanning, as some problems with the immune system or other organs can manifest in the mouth.
  • Preventive dentistry can improve overall health and help avoid various illnesses. Some dental issues, such as gum disease, can lead to heart, joint, and lung issues and are also associated with diabetes. Untreated oral infections also lead to general health issues, including life-threatening sepsis.

Professional dental cleanings are vital for maintaining good oral health, even if you thoroughly brush and floss your teeth at home. Plaque that consists of bacteria and food residue can accumulate on the teeth over time, especially in hard-to-reach spots. If not removed, it hardens and turns to tartar, which is impossible to remove with a toothbrush at home. Both plaque and tartar are acidic and filled with bacteria, which gradually destroy the enamel of your teeth and lead to cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Professional dental cleanings strive to leave your teeth plaque, tartar, and bacteria-free. They consist of:

  • Scaling—removal of plaque and tartar using hand instruments or an ultrasonic scaler.
  • Teeth polishing with a rubber cup or a brush and a special toothpaste to the biofilm from the teeth.

Regular professional dental cleanings have several benefits:

  • Dental cleanings help reduce the risk of cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease that can lead to tooth loss and jawbone density loss.
  • Dental cleanings can help improve overall health by removing bacteria and preventing infections in the mouth. Oral infections are closely associated with gastrointestinal, lung, heart, and joint issues.
  • Regular cleanings prevent bad breath that can be caused by bacterial growth in plaque and tartar.
  • Routine dental cleanings can help avoid complex treatments in the future, reducing the cost of your medical bills.

Why Do I Need Fluoride Treatments for My Teeth?

Decades of fluoride in preventive dentistry have proven its effectiveness for the teeth. There are several things fluoride can do for your oral health:

  • Strengthen the enamel, making teeth more resilient
  • Fight harmful bacteria that accumulate on the teeth and gums
  • Minimize plaque and tartar buildup
  • Prevent cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease

In most cases, it is recommended to have a professional fluoride treatment every six months. By replenishing minerals on the surface of your teeth, professional fluoride treatment makes teeth less vulnerable to decay and prevents further erosion of enamel caused by acid and bacteria. If tooth decay is already present, fluoride will not be able to remove it, but it is effective in preventing the decay from penetrating the deeper layers of the teeth.

Professional fluoride treatment in a dental office can involve using fluoride in the form of a varnish, gel, or foam. Fluoride can be applied to your teeth with a brush, a swab, or using a tray coated with the solution. Fluoride solutions used in dental offices are usually much more concentrated and potent compared to other-the-counter options. Thus, they provide more benefits to the teeth in just a few minutes. On top of that, professionally controlled application of fluoride will exclude any potential health risks.

Make an Appointment Today

Remember that preventive dentistry and regular dental checkups can help you avoid more complex issues and expensive treatments in the future. Do not postpone the health of your teeth; make an appointment with a dentist in Mission Viejo today. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to Smile Dental Boutique.

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